Have you gotten your thermogram yet at Knoxville Reflexology? This simple, non-invasive procedure could save your life. We found an informative article online and wanted to share it with you to expand your knowledge about thermology. Read up and call us to schedule your appointment! Measuring temperature differences was fundamentally important to the Greek physician,… Read more »
Hey Y’all, Emily here from the Knoxville Reflexology team! Carrie came across this article from Natural News and we want to share the valuable information with everyone we possibly can. If you’re already an established client with Carrie, chances are you’ve probably gotten a PEMF treatment. It pairs perfectly with reflexology and is a no-brainer while… Read more »
Zoe Wellness Centers is dedicated to improving the health and well-being of their clients. Through cutting edge techniques, a thorough knowledge of the human body and an understanding of the pathology of disease we aim to provide a personal approach to your treatment, to the best of our ability and knowledge so that in doing so you will be able to reconnect with your whole being, mind, body and spirit.
Our Education Philosophy
Arming clients with education to make life improvements
Here at Zoe Wellness Centers our philosophy is grounded in the belief that learning is a lifelong process built upon a solid educational foundation. We are sensitive to the needs of our clients and offer a supportive environment to enhance the well-being of each person we see. We are dedicated to teaching and offer numerous workshops to facilitate our client’s being able to make better and more informed choices about their health.
Our Customer Service Promise
Promise to pick up where traditional medicine has failed
At Zoe Wellness Centers we strive to deliver what you expect and what you deserve, and we strive to deliver it each and every time. To do this we listen attentively to the challenges our client’s face promising to pick up where traditional medicine has often failed them. This is our way of saying thank you for giving us the opportunity to provide you with greater health and wellness.